


洛克希德·马丁公司 今天宣布额外的公司加入了团队追求美国导弹防御局的地基中段防御(GMD)开发和维护合同,除了战略伙伴雷声导弹系统和合作伙伴阿拉斯加航空航天和NANA发展公司。


乔伊斯继续说道,“我们的团队的构成也反映了阿拉巴马州的关键作用在这个元素的国家弹道导弹防御系统。主承包商和系统集成商,洛克希德·马丁公司的项目办公室总部将设在亨茨维尔和我们会有业务在每个GMD的网站,我们的合作伙伴的协助下,以确保顾客响应性和效率。”In addition to Huntsville, work will be performed at Fort Greely, Alaska, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

“在执行本合同中,我们将利用雷神公司的关键技能和专业知识员工在公司在亨茨维尔,”弗兰克·怀亚特说,雷神公司的空中和导弹防御系统副总裁。“雷神公司有强大的亨茨维尔地区的承诺。”As a strategic partner to Lockheed Martin in this pursuit, Raytheon's role will span systems engineering, development, modeling and simulation, manufacturing, testing, training, and operations and sustainment at all of the key GMD sites.

公司今天宣布以下huntsville研究伙伴。——Dynetics公司将执行网络支持培训和系统工程主要是在亨茨维尔和科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多州,包括信息安全保障、建模与仿真、系统分析、地面和飞行测试支持和培训。“Dynetics有关系与洛克希德·马丁公司多年。我们联手为政府提供联合导弹防御能力THAAD项目在过去的15年,在目标和对策计划在过去的七,”首席执行官Marc Bendickson博士说,Dynet万博manbetx官方appics。“我们很高兴提供我们的专业知识和资源来支持这一至关重要的项目。”-- QuantiTech Inc., one of several Huntsville-based small businesses on the team, will provide Ground-based Interceptor support primarily in demilitarization and disposal planning. "QuantiTech is excited and ready to bring our unique demilitization planning capability to the Lockheed Martin GMD Team," said Sheila Brown, chief executive officer, QuantiTech. -- ARES Corporation will perform engineering services for reliability, availability and maintainability. -- CohesionForce Inc. will provide software and system engineering services for ground systems development, as well as test and evaluation services for the system. -- IroquoiSystems Inc. will perform engineering services for modeling and simulation and open architecture framework. Nation-wide partner companies announced today are the following. -- ATK Aerospace Systems will manufacture and provide maintenance and sustainment support for Ground-based Interceptor components. -- Bechtel National Inc. will provide proven expertise on launch site components (LSC), including engineering support for operations, maintenance and upgrades of the LSC it designed, supplied, and installed, and will perform schedule integration for the operational asset management system. -- Harris Corporation will provide proven maintenance and sustainment for the In-Flight Interceptor Communications System (IFICS) Data Terminal (IDT), a key component that provides the data link to send target updates from the GMD Fire Control to the Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle. -- Imprimis Inc. will provide expert training support services at Huntsville, Colorado Springs, Vandenberg and Fort Greely. -- Oregon Iron Works Inc. will perform silo refurbishment. -- TDX Power Inc. will provide facility expertise for the missile field power supply.

其位于阿拉斯加阿拉斯加航空公司将提供操作和维护支持Fort Greely和范登堡和NANA发展公司的Sivuniq和Akima物流服务公司将提供物流管理、工程服务和供应支持Fort Greely和亨茨维尔。







联系:林恩费舍尔的洛克希德·马丁公司,+ 1-408-742-7606,
