

Lockheed Martin宣布2008第一季度结果
* 本季度业务现金8.82亿美元

manbetx下载手机客户端 今日报告2008年第一季度净收益7.3亿美元(每稀释份额1.75美元),而2007年为6.9亿美元(每稀释份额1.6亿美元)。净销售额为10亿美元,比2007年第一季度销售额93亿美元增加8%2008年第一季度业务现金为8.82亿美元,2007年为15亿美元。

极佳起始日期为2008年第一季度结果反映继续推进我们建设世界首屈一指安全公司的承诺, Bob Stevens说,CEO/CEO/总裁/总裁/CEO万博manbetx官方app并持续响应客户需求同时提高客户价值持续成功反映了我们全心全意和有才的员工的努力,他们理解全球客户所面临的重大挑战。”



REPORTED RESULTS                                   1st Quarter   (In millions, except per share data)             2008        2007    Net sales                                      $9,983      $9,275    Operating profit     Segment operating profit                     $1,150        $999     Unallocated corporate, net:       FAS/CAS pension adjustment                     32         (14)       Unusual items, net                             16          46       Stock compensation expense                    (35)        (49)       Other, net                                     15           3                                                  $1,178        $985    Interest expense                                   87          93    Other non-operating (expense) /    income, net(1)                                    (7)         37    Earnings before income taxes                    1,084         929    Income taxes                                      354         239    Net earnings                                     $730        $690    Diluted earnings per share                      $1.75       $1.60    Cash from operations                             $882      $1,482     (1) Includes interest income and unrealized (losses) gains, net on       marketable securities held to fund certain employee benefit       obligations.


2008 FINANCIAL OUTLOOK(1)                  2008 Projections   (In millions, except per share    data and percentages)            Current Update         January 2008    Net sales                        $41,800 - $42,800     $41,800 - $42,800    Operating profit:     Segment operating profit        $4,750 - $4,875       $4,715 - $4,840     Unallocated corporate      expense, net:       FAS/CAS pension adjustment          125                   125       Unusual items, net                   15                    --       Stock compensation expense         (155)                 (170)       Other, net                          (40)                  (65)                                       4,695 - 4,820         4,605 - 4,730    Interest expense                       (360)                 (345)   Other non-operating income /      (expense), net                        45                   145   Earnings before income taxes      $4,380 - $4,505       $4,405 - $4,530    Diluted earnings per share         $7.15 - $7.35         $7.05 - $7.25   Cash from operations                   >/= $4,200            >/= $4,200   ROIC(2)                                >/= 19.0%             >/= 18.5%     (1) All amounts approximate    (2) See discussion of non-GAAP performance measures at the end of this       document


最新预测包括:* 假设全年平均稀释股因第一季度回购而未清减少预期股票补偿和其他未分配公司费用上下文标题Un分配企业收入(ExclemationCriptive,Net)详解因投资现金结存利率下降和为某些员工福利义务供资的有价证券未实现损益而减少其他非运营收入和* 利息增支,原因是上季度发行5亿美元债务如下









(In millions)                                      1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   Net sales     Aeronautics                                  $2,807     $2,821     Electronic Systems                            2,789      2,515     Information Systems & Global Services         2,504      2,145     Space Systems                                 1,883      1,794      Total net sales                              $9,983     $9,275    Operating profit     Aeronautics                                    $323       $299     Electronic Systems                              366        317     Information Systems & Global Services           230        198     Space Systems                                   231        185       Segment operating profit                    1,150        999      Unallocated corporate income      (expense), net                                  28        (14)    Total operating profit                         $1,178       $985


Aeronautics    ($ millions)                                       1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   Net sales                                      $2,807     $2,821   Operating profit                                 $323       $299   Operating margin                                11.5%      10.6%



Electronic Systems    ($ millions)                                       1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   Net sales                                      $2,789     $2,515   Operating profit                                 $366       $317   Operating margin                                13.1%      12.6%



Information Systems & Global Services    ($ millions)                                       1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   Net sales                                      $2,504     $2,145   Operating profit                                 $230       $198   Operating margin                                 9.2%       9.2%



Space Systems    ($ millions)                                       1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   Net sales                                      $1,883     $1,794   Operating profit                                 $231       $185   Operating margin                                12.3%      10.3%



Unallocated Corporate Income (Expense), Net    ($ millions)                                       1st Quarter                                                    2008       2007   FAS/CAS pension adjustment                        $32       $(14)   Unusual items, net                                 16         46   Stock compensation expense                        (35)       (49)   Other, net                                         15          3   Unallocated corporate   income (expense), net                             $28       $(14)




万博手机app2008-* 扣除国家所得税后增益1 600万美元,表示确认2006年Lockheed Khrunichev Energia国际公司出售控股权后延迟净增益的一部分万博手机appLKEI和国际发射服务公司公司在出售时推迟确认收益,等待其退还未来发射服务预付款的责任到期2008年3月30日递延增益5 700万美元有待确认为异常项目,因为未来发射服务提供

2008年第一季度本项净收入增加1 000万美元(每股0.02美元)。


这些项目加上下文描述的5 900万美元所得税益益(每股0.14美元),2007年第一季度净收益增加8 900万美元(每股0.21美元)。


2008年第一季度和2007年第一季度有效所得税率为32.7%和25.7%。这两种税率均低于35%的法定税率,主要原因是美国税务优惠制造活动和股息与员工股权计划相关研发信用2007年12月31日到期后,2007年第一季度有效税率进一步下降此外,2007年第一季度收入税支出减少了5 900万美元(每股0.14美元),原因是完成了IRS审核,该季度有效税率也降低了6.4%。

Lockheed Martin总部设在,在全世界雇用约140 000人,主要从事先进技术系统、产品和服务的研究、设计、开发、制造、整合和维护


会议电话:Lockheed Martin上午11时网络直播收益会议调用(只听模式)E.D.T.4月22日现场直播,包括相关图表,见公司网站投资者关系网页://


文章中那些前视语句基于Lockheed Martin当前期望和假设前向报表包括未来销售估计值、收益估计值和现金流动估计值报表不保证未来性能并受风险和不确定因素影响万博手机app实际结果可能因各种因素而大相径庭,例如:政府能否为国内和国际产品和服务提供资金改变政府和客户优先级和需求(包括修改响应国防部审查、国会行动、预算约束、削减成本倡议、选举周期、恐怖威胁和国土安全)持续在伊拉克和阿富汗的军事行动对现有防御程序供资的影响授标或终止契约退休金计划资产回报率、利息贴现率以及其他可能影响退休金计划假设的变动研发操作先进技术系统困难时间和客户接受产品交付关键供应商、分包商和客户提供材料和性能未来减值评审收费可能导致识别损耗并减值商誉或其他长期资产未来影响 立法 改变会计 课税规则或出口策略未来收购或拆股、合营或联队安排法律程序和其他意外事件的结果(包括官司、政府/监管调查或审核以及环境整治努力)竞争环境 公司产品和服务万博手机app经济、商业和政治条件

以上只是可能影响本新闻稿中前瞻性声明的一些因素关于Lockheed Martin企业风险和不确定性的进一步信息,请参阅SEC归档资料,包括Corporation2007年度报告表10K中“管理对金融条件和结果的讨论分析”、“风险因子”和“法律程序”部分,可在Corporation网站获取://

公司的政策是通过发布新闻稿更新或重新确认金融预测公司一般计划提供前瞻性前景,作为其季度收入释放的一部分,但保留每隔一段时间提供前景或在今后修改实践的权利。所有信息发布日期为2008年4月21日Lockheed Martin没有义务更新前瞻语句以反映后续事件、实际结果或公司期望变化或纠正投资分析师或其他人发布的报告中可能包含的信息


公司认为报告ROIC为投资者提供更高可见度了解Lockheed Martin如何有效使用投入运营的资本公司使用ROIC评价多年度投资决策并将其作为长期性能衡量标准,同时使用ROIC作为评估管理性能的一个因素,以奖励补偿目的ROIC不是衡量公认会计原则下财务性能的尺度,其他公司可能不以同样方式定义和计算。ROIC不应被视为孤立或替代净收入作为性能指标



(In millions, except percentages)                   2008 Outlook                                             Current Update     January 2008   Net Earnings                                 Combined          Combined   Interest Expense (multiplied by 65%) (1)   Return                                       >/= $3,185        >/= $3,185    Average debt (2), (5)   Average equity (3), (5)                      Combined          Combined   Average Benefit Plan Adjustments (4), (5)   Average Invested Capital                   < / = $16,750     < / = $17,200    Return on invested capital                   >/= 19.0%         >/= 18.5%     (1) Represents after-tax interest expense utilizing the federal statutory       rate of 35%.(2) 债务由长期债务组成,包括当前到期日和短期借款组成(如果有的话)。股本包括非现金调整,主要是未确认福利计划精算损耗和前期服务费用、2006年通过FAS158调整和2007年之前年份附加最低养恤金责任4) 平均福利计划调整反映注3中讨论的股东权益报表中识别项的累积值(5) 年均值使用年初和每个季度末的结存计算manbetx下载手机客户端LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Consolidated Condensed Statement of Earnings   Unaudited   (In millions, except per share data and percentages)                                                     QUARTER ENDED                                         March 30, 2008(a)   March 25, 2007(a)   Net sales                                    $9,983              $9,275   Cost of sales                                 8,914               8,365                                                 1,069                 910    Other income and expenses, net                  109                  75   Operating profit                              1,178                 985   Interest expense                                 87                  93   Other non-operating income (expense), net        (7)                 37   Earnings before income taxes                  1,084                 929   Income tax expense                              354                 239   Net earnings                                   $730                $690   Effective tax rate                            32.7%               25.7%    Earnings per common share:     Basic                                       $1.80               $1.64     Diluted                                     $1.75               $1.60    Average number of shares outstanding:     Basic                                       406.6               421.4     Diluted                                     416.8               432.1    Common shares reported in stockholders'    equity at quarter end:                       399.7               417.3    (a) It is our practice to close our books and records on the Sunday prior       to the end of the calendar quarter.临时报表和财务资料表均以公约为基础贴标签。manbetx下载手机客户端A     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Net Sales, Segment Operating Profit and Margins   Unaudited   (In millions, except percentages)                                                    QUARTER ENDED                                     March 30, 2008  March 25, 2007 % Change   Net sales:    Aeronautics                              $2,807          $2,821      (0%)   Electronic Systems                        2,789           2,515      11%   Information Systems & Global    Services                                 2,504           2,145      17%   Space Systems                             1,883           1,794       5%     Total net sales                        $9,983          $9,275       8%    Operating profit:    Aeronautics                                $323            $299       8%   Electronic Systems                          366             317      15%   Information Systems & Global    Services                                   230             198      16%   Space Systems                               231             185      25%      Segment operating profit                1,150             999      15%      Unallocated corporate income      (expense), net                            28             (14)                                            $1,178            $985      20%    Margins:    Aeronautics                                11.5%           10.6%   Electronic Systems                         13.1            12.6   Information Systems & Global    Services                                   9.2             9.2   Space Systems                              12.3            10.3      Total operating segments                 11.5            10.8      Total consolidated                       11.8%           10.6%                                                                          B     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Selected Financial Data   Unaudited   (In millions, except per share data)                                                     QUARTER ENDED                                             March 30, 2008  March 25, 2007   Unallocated corporate income (expense),    net     FAS/CAS pension adjustment                       $32            $(14)     Unusual items, net                                16              46     Stock compensation expense                       (35)            (49)     Other, net                                        15               3       Unallocated corporate income (expense),        net                                           $28            $(14)                                                     QUARTER ENDED                                             March 30, 2008  March 25, 2007   FAS/CAS pension adjustment     FAS 87 expense                                 $(116)          $(171)     Less: CAS costs                                 (148)           (157)        FAS/CAS pension adjustment -         income / (expense)                           $32            $(14)                                              QUARTER ENDED MARCH 30, 2008                                          Operating                 Earnings                                           profit   Net earnings  per share   Unusual Items - 2008   Partial recognition of the deferred    gain from the 2006 sale of LKEI and    ILS                                      $16         $10          $0.02                                              QUARTER ENDED MARCH 25, 2007                                          Operating                Earnings                                           profit   Net earnings  per share   Unusual Items - 2007   Gain on sale of surplus land              $25         $16          $0.04   Earnings from reversal of legal    reserves                                  21          14           0.03   Benefit from closure of an IRS audit        -          59           0.14                                             $46         $89          $0.21                                                                           C     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Selected Financial Data   Unaudited   (In millions)                                                      QUARTER ENDED                                             March 30, 2008  March 25, 2007   Depreciation and amortization of    plant and equipment    Aeronautics                                         $42             $39   Electronic Systems                                   54              45   Information Systems & Global Services                16              15   Space Systems                                        36              29     Segments                                          148             128    Unallocated corporate expense, net                   12              13      Total depreciation and amortization              $160            $141                                                      QUARTER ENDED                                             March 30, 2008   March 25,2007   Amortization of purchased intangibles    Aeronautics                                        $13              $13   Electronic Systems                                   5               11   Information Systems & Global Services               13               15   Space Systems                                        2                2     Segments                                          33               41    Unallocated corporate expense, net                   3                3      Total amortization of purchased intangibles      $36              $44                                                                          D     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet   Unaudited   (In millions, except percentages)                                                 MARCH 30,      DECEMBER 31,                                                    2008              2007   Assets   Cash and cash equivalents                      $2,799            $2,648   Short-term investments                            148               333   Receivables                                     5,413             4,925   Inventories                                     1,619             1,718   Deferred income taxes                             732               756   Other current assets                              469               560      Total current assets                         11,180            10,940    Property, plant and equipment, net              4,258             4,320   Goodwill                                        9,399             9,387   Purchased intangibles, net                        428               463   Prepaid pension asset                             317               313   Deferred income taxes                             824               760   Other assets                                    2,743             2,743      Total assets                                $29,149           $28,926    Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity   Accounts payable                               $1,906            $2,163   Customer advances and amounts in excess    of costs incurred                              4,258             4,254   Other accrued expenses                          3,606             3,350   Current maturities of long-term debt              104               104      Total current liabilities                     9,874             9,871    Long-term debt, net                             4,803             4,303   Accrued pension liabilities                     1,311             1,192   Other postretirement and other noncurrent    liabilities                                    3,794             3,755   Stockholders' equity                            9,367             9,805      Total liabilities and stockholders'      equity                                     $29,149           $28,926    Total debt-to-capitalization ratio:               34%               31%                                                                           E      LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Consolidated Condensed Statement of Cash Flows   Unaudited   (In millions)                                                    QUARTER ENDED                                             March 30, 2008  March 25, 2007    Operating Activities   Net earnings                                       $730            $690   Adjustments to reconcile net earnings    to net cash provided by operating    activities:     Depreciation and amortization                     160             141     Amortization of purchased intangibles              36              44     Changes in operating assets and      liabilities:       Receivables                                    (483)           (281)       Inventories                                      99             285       Accounts payable                               (257)           (131)       Customer advances and amounts in        excess of costs incurred                         4             195   Other                                               593             539    Net cash provided by operating activities           882           1,482    Investing Activities   Expenditures for property, plant and    equipment                                         (104)            (84)   Sale of short-term investments, net                 185              85   Acquisitions of businesses /    investments in affiliates                          (11)            (95)   Other                                                 1              79    Net cash provided by (used for) investing    activities                                          71             (15)    Financing Activities   Issuances of common stock and related amounts        64             149   Repurchases of common stock                      (1,185)           (733)   Common stock dividends                             (172)              -   Issuance of long-term debt and related costs        491               -   Repayments of long-term debt                          -             (17)    Net cash used for financing activities             (802)           (601)    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents           151             866   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of    period                                           2,648           1,912    Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       $2,799          $2,778                                                                           F     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Consolidated Condensed Statement of Stockholders' Equity   Unaudited   (In millions)                                                   Accumulated                             Additional              Other         Total                      Common  Paid-In  Retained  Comprehensive  Stockholders'                       Stock  Capital  Earnings      Loss          Equity    Balance at    January 1, 2008     $409     $-     $11,247     $(1,851)        $9,805    Net earnings                             730                        730    Common stock    dividends (a)                          (172)                      (172)    Stock-based awards    and ESOP activity      2     174                                   176    Repurchases of    common stock (b)     (11)   (174)    (1,000)                    (1,185)    Other comprehensive    income                                               13             13    Balance at    March 30, 2008      $400      $-    $10,805     $(1,838)        $9,367    (a) Includes dividends ($0.42 per share) declared and paid in the first       quarter.(b) 公司在第一季度以12亿美元重购1 130万股公共股票公司截至2008年3月30日股份回购方案剩余2 140万股manbetx下载手机客户端G     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION   Operating Data   Unaudited   (In millions)                                                 MARCH 30,        DECEMBER 31,                                                  2008              2007   Backlog    Aeronautics                                   $25,300           $26,300   Electronic Systems                             20,300            21,200   Information Systems & Global Services          12,200            11,800   Space Systems                                  16,900            17,400     Total                                       $74,700           $76,700                                                     QUARTER ENDED    Aircraft Deliveries                    March 30, 2008    March 25, 2007    F-16                                                9                 9   C-130J                                              3                 2                                                                          H

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CONTACT:媒体:Tom Jurkowsky+1-301-897-6352或投资关系
manbetx下载手机客户端Jerry Kircher+1-301-897-6584,均为洛克希德马丁公司
