
活动:2月1日星期四,洛克希德·马丁导弹和火控-达拉斯将举办为期一天的一系列活动,以促进达拉斯社区各个方面的数学和科学技术。凯瑟琳·克拉克博士,美国宇航局人类探索与开发太空事业的首席科学家,将访问两所当地学校;在国家数学和科学教育项目“太空日”上发表演讲;并在面向未来的女性博物馆(Women’s Museum)向观众发表演讲,强调数学和科学教育的重要性。时间:欢迎媒体参加凯瑟琳·克拉克博士行程中的任何活动:上午8点15分——在南大草原高中的天文馆向数学、科学和工程学生发表演讲。学校位于西路301号。上午10:15——克拉克将对阿米莉亚·埃尔哈特小学五年级和六年级的学生发表讲话。今年春天,他们中的一些人将前往美国宇航局位于休斯顿的约翰逊航天中心进行为期一天的旅行。上午11:30——克拉克将在太空日向达拉斯社区领导人展示一个项目,这是一个旨在激励四、五、六年级学生追求数学和科学事业的国家数学和科学项目。午餐将在费尔公园的科学广场举行。下午5点——洛克希德·马丁公司、达拉斯妇女中心和未来研究所妇女博物馆将举办招待会,并由克拉克博士介绍她作为国际空间站首位女性首席科学家的职业生涯;万博手机app motivating girls to become interested in math and science; and the importance of women serving as role models. The event will be held at the Women's Museum, an Institute for the Future, 3800 Parry Ave. at Fair Park. Story Opportunities -- The importance of inspiring students to pursue math and science. Space exploration is an excellent theme to excite and inspire kids in science, math, and technology education. -- The critical need for girls to be become interested in math and science; the strong women's community in Dallas and their desire to make this happen through education, mentoring and programs targeted at girls that are at-risk. -- Space Day -- May, 3, 2001 -- a national educational program that provides online and classroom activities including a Design Challenge, Cyber Space Day webcast, a website: spaceday.com and, finally, a major event at the Smithsonian's National Air And Space Museum on May 3rd. -- The International Space Station, its Laboratory and how the Design Challenge aspect of Space Day is "challenging" students to tackle the real problems facing space travel today and in the future. Kathryn Clark is available for interviews by appointment. Please call Cheryl Amerine at (972) 603-1157 to schedule. Contact: Cheryl Amerine of Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control - Dallas, 972-603-1157 or


