
/FIRST ADD - DCTH006 -洛克希manbetx下载手机客户端德马丁公司/

在宣布2000年第三季度收益时,Vance Coffman引用了本季度额外的事件、项目奖励和任务成功成就,这对洛克希德·马丁公司的前景有积极的影响:

*公司在8月完成了对COMSAT公司的收购。控制系统业务以5.1亿美元现金出售给BAE系统北美公司,已于9月底完成。*洛克希德·马丁公司在7月宣布了一项协议,根据该协议,北美BAE系统公司也将以16.7亿美元现金收购洛克希德·马丁公司的航空航天电子系统业务。这笔交易还有待政府监管部门的审查。*由洛克希德·马丁任务系统公司领导的一个团队被美国空军选中,参与该服务的综合空间指挥与控制(ISC2)计划,该计划是一项为期15年的倡议,旨在实现国家空中、导弹和空间指挥与控制系统的现代化。该项目价值约15亿美元。* LMGT出售了其在国际海事卫星组织约三分之一的投资。该交易没有任何收益或损失。洛克希德·马丁公司实现了大约1.5亿美元的总收益。*本季度,公司交付了8架F-16战斗机和4架C-130J运输机。 * Congress was notified in July that Singapore will order an additional 20 F-16 aircraft for its fleet. * The Republic of Korea signed agreements in July for 20 F-16s to be produced under license by Korea Aircraft Industries (KAI). * The U.S. Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, a $53 million contract to begin development of modernization changes for up to 12 Global Positioning System (GPS) Block IIR satellites. * Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems (LMCSS) was awarded a contract to build a second geosynchronous satellite for New Skies Satellites N.V. Designated NSS-6, the satellite will provide fully interactive access to high speed Internet and other multimedia communications. * During the quarter, the Corporation launched 1 Atlas launch vehicle and 1 Proton launch vehicle, plus the NOAA-L, GE-7, GPSIIR-5 and the Sirius I and II spacecraft. * The Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile extended its record of successful performance to six consecutive intercepts which included the destruction of targets simulating low-flying cruise missiles. * Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems delivered the first of four Aegis combat systems for the Spanish Navy's F-100-class frigates under construction by the Spanish shipbuilder Empresa Nacional Bazan. * Lockheed Martin Information Systems was selected to provide combat aircrew training and mission rehearsal operations for the U.S. Air Force Special Operations and Air Education Training commands under a contract valued at approximately $277 million over six years. Separately, Information Systems received a U.S. Navy contract, valued at up to $180 million, to provide integrated hardware and software sets to test avionics, radar and electronic warfare systems. * The U.S. Navy awarded Lockheed Martin Systems Integration-Owego a Low-Rate Initial Production contract, valued at approximately $88 million, to provide seven SH-60R multi-mission helicopters. Under a program expected to exceed $2.5 billion by 2012, Lockheed Martin will upgrade 243 SH-60B helicopters, integrating flight avionics systems, mission avionics systems and stores and defense systems. * Extending its global leadership in maritime traffic management, Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems was selected to supply a Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) to the Hellenic Merchant Marine Ministry in Greece. Lockheed Martin VTMIS is used by the U.S. Coast Guard as well as by the governments of 14 other countries on five continents. * Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management completed deployment of 20 new Display System Replacement (DSR) installations at FAA facilities across the nation. The program was completed ahead of schedule and within budget. * For the third time in four years, Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management was selected to receive the Air Traffic Control Association's Industry Award, which recognizes outstanding achievement in advancing the science of air traffic control. * The Corporation successfully retained the contract for the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. The initial award is for a 5-year base period, with a 5-year option to follow.




除了我们提交给美国证券交易委员会(sec)的文件(http://www.sec.gov/),以下因素可能影响前瞻性陈述:已宣布的资产剥离获得监管部门批准的时机和不确定性;通过精简业务部门、裁员、全球成本削减计划和其他财务管理计划,为我们的客户或我们自己实现或量化节约的能力;获得未来政府奖励的能力或时机;是否有政府资助和客户需求;在航天和其他业务领域开发和应用先进技术系统的困难;经济状况;竞争环境;万博手机app国内和国际的国际商业和政治状况;授予和合同的时间安排;产品交付和发布的时间安排和客户接受程度; the outcome of contingencies, including completion of any acquisitions and divestitures, litigation and environmental remediation and program performance. These are only some of the numerous factors which may affect the forward-looking statements in this press release.


